
I wanted to take a moment to explain roster size and expectations as we prepare our players for high school. 


  • We have 14 on the fall roster. As coaches, Robert and I have to look out for the best of the team. With so many factors at play in the fall such as high school football, UGA football games, unconditioned arms, schedules, and high school class acclimations (AP Classes) this can be a challenging season. If we took 11 players and a couple were banged up from football or going to a UGA game, we would have to either pick up players or pull out of tournaments. I don’t want that. We also have to look at the long term health of players and pitchers. With arms not in mid-season form, it is irresponsible of us to assume they can have 80-90 pitch counts. We need increased roster size for depth on the mound. 

2) What are the expectations?

  • Our expectations for players are to earn their spot. I will be honest and transparent with you, the culture of most deserving vs earned has diminished the power of competitiveness on development. We hope players want to go out and earn their spot and not just come in with this complacent, expect to play mentality. With that said Coach RT will be evaluating players in practice and game play to establish lineups based on those that earn that. We want to continue building on the success from the summer with this team and focus on winning baseball games. If a player shows poor body language, disrespects a coach, poor teammate, poor play in the field, and poor effort Coach RT has discretion to take action. We think team first and try to put the guys out there that gives the team the best chance to win. 

Thank you for being a part of this team for the fall and I am excited to see the continued success in seasons to come.